SAT Chart

During the spring of 2023, the then junior, now senior, class took the SAT School Day. This test serves as the official state assessment for West Virginia high schools. That class performed phenomenally on that assessment, improving our overall SAT mean score by 46 points, our language arts score by 26 points, and our math score by 21 points. This put TCHS ahead of the average scores for West Virginia in all three categories. In addition, in cross-test scores, TCHS was ahead of West Virginia and all test takers nationally in the average number of analysis in science questions answered correctly, and above the state and on par with the nation in analysis and history/social studies questions answered correctly. just ranked us as a top 15 high school in the state of West Virginia. We could not be prouder of these senior students, the teachers, and the parents and guardians that helped them get here. If you see a senior student out in the community, please take time to congratulate them on their tremendous performance. Throughout the school year, we will be having several celebrations to reward the hard work and dedication of these students.
At TCHS, we truly believe we can be the best high school in the state of West Virginia. We strive every day to be as good academically, athletically, and in extracurricular activities as we can possibly be. These scores are indicative of the potential of Tucker County High School students. Parents and guardians, we continue to ask for your support and assistance in furthering your child’s education. In order for us to showcase the enormous talent and potential of our community, we ask that you encourage your students daily, that you stress to them the importance of school and bettering oneself for a bright future, that you send your child to school regularly, that you encourage your child to give nothing but their best to show their full potential in everything they do, and that you send your students on testing days that help us determine how to best support your student. By taking these steps, you can help Tucker County truly show off the potential of its future generations.

We look forward to another great school year!