All Tucker County Schools will operate on an NTID day (Polar day) tomorrow. Staff reports on a 2 hour delay schedule and students complete Polar Packet #2.

All Tucker County Schools will be closed tomorrow 1/7/25 due to inclement weather. This is a traditional snow day

Due to the incoming storm all Tucker County schools will be closed tomorrow (1/6) for a traditional snow day.
Everyone stay in and stay safe.

All Tucker County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow 12/16/24.

All Tucker County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow Thursday, December 12, 2024.

Tucker County Schools will operate on a Polar Day tomorrow (12/6/24). Students are to complete Polar Packet #1 and staff is to report on a 2 hour delay schedule.

Update for December 5th: Tucker County Schools will have a traditional Snow Day today. Students do NOT need to complete a polar packet. Enjoy the snow!

Tucker County Schools will operate on a Polar Day tomorrow (12/5/24). Students are to complete Polar Packet #1 and staff is to report on a 2 hour delay schedule.

All Tucker County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow (12/2) due to the conditions in our higher elevations.

Good evening Davis Thomas families: The water issue has been resolved. We will have a normal school day tomorrow with bottled water available for students to drink.

Summer School and Energy express:
For Karen's bus run tomorrow (6/24) the times will be approximately 20 minutes later than posted for pickup in the morning. This will also mean students will be dropped off earlier than normal at the end of the day. This is only for Karen’s bus, all other times will remain the same.

This weekend, May 4th and 5th, there will be a Tucker County student art show at the Davis Fire Hall. Doors will be open Saturday, May 4th, from 2 to 5 p.m. and Sunday, May 5th at noon, with awards being presented at 3:30 p.m. We would love to see as many people out as possible supporting the student artists of Tucker County.

This weekend, May 4th and 5th, there will be a Tucker County student art show at the Davis Fire Hall. Doors will be open Saturday, May 4th, from 2 to 5 p.m. and Sunday, May 5th at noon, with awards being presented at 3:30 p.m. We would love to see as many people out as possible supporting the student artists of Tucker County.

Tucker County Schools needs your assistance:
In an effort to maintain quality summer school and after school programs for our students since the ESSER (Covid money) is expiring, we are partnering with the FRN and NYSC to apply for the 21st CCLC Grant. If you have any ideas or recommendations to assist us in this process please reach out to Allyson McNaboe at our central office at 304-478-2771.

Reminder: Tomorrow, March 26th is a scheduled 2 hour delay due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. P/T conferences will be held from 3:30-5:00 at all 3 schools.

Good evening Tucker County families. All Tucker County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow March 11, 2024.

Attention: please share for our Aurora students:
Bus 19A (Alan Kidwell’s bus) can only go as far as Mt. Grove Church this morning due to a road closure. If you can get your students to school, he can bring them home today. If not, it will be an excused absence, just contact the school and let the secretary know.

Reminder: No School for Students tomorrow (2/19). It is a Professional Learning Day for staff.

Shoutout to Timberline Mountain for this amazing opportunity for our students! Make sure you pre-register by 2/28 if you are interested in this opportunity. ⛷️
Register here:

All Tucker County Schools will operate on a Non Traditional Polar Day. Students are to complete Polar Packet #3.