
Preschool Picture 1

In compliance with WV State Board of Education Policy 2525, Tucker County Universal Preschool Program offers a free and appropriate public preschool program for all children turning four years of age prior to July 1st and eligible three-year-olds with special needs. Students are served at both Davis Thomas Elementary Middle School and Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School. Preschool students attend four days per week, Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Transportation is provided and breakfast, snack and lunch are available at the school. 

Tucker County Schools’ Preschool Program is an Experience.  These experiences are provided not only for the preschooler but for the entire family.  Children are provided a quality program in a nurturing environment where developmentally appropriate experiences enable your child and family to grow socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually.  The staff is dedicated to the philosophy that children learn through experiences and they prosper when their individual needs are met.  We encourage the active involvement of each family with the education of their child.

Tucker County Schools’ Preschool Program strives to provide a high quality, developmentally appropriate program for all children enrolled.  Our goals are:

  • To encourage life-long learners by providing experiences through discovery, exploration and hands-on activities that is adapted to meet each child’s individual strengths and needs.

  • To read daily to all children so that they may develop language, and a love of books and reading.

  • To encourage the development of a positive self-image for each child.

  • To provide an environment that encourages emotional, social, physical and intellectual development.

  • To encourage children in learning how to interact successfully with other children and adults in a cooperative environment; which promotes decision making, peaceful resolution of conflicts and caring for others.

  • To form a cooperative partnership with parents so that we can work together to meet the needs of each child.

  • To enable children the opportunity to begin school ready to learn.



Welcome Class of 2036!!!!

 Important Preschool Dates to Remember:

Small Group/Open House Day: On August 31, 2022 or September 1, 2022, you are invited to the Small Group/Open House Day at your child’s school which will be scheduled with your teacher during your home/family visit day.   This is an exciting time where you get to explore the classroom together and it gives you an opportunity to see what a “day in the life” of a preschooler will look like.   On this day, we also go over bus safety and you will be taken on a brief bus ride so that your preschooler will know what to expect on their first day of school. 

First Day of Preschool:  The official first full day of preschool will be Tuesday, September 6, 2022.  This will be your child’s first solo day with the program.